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Sermons by Speaker: Dan Schillero ×


  • 07/21/24

    Safety, Security and Salvation

    Psalm 91 portrays a king who is protected from all harm. Because it is Jesus, and not an earthly king ...

    Dan Schillero
  • 04/21/24

    A Gospel Reprise

    The final verses in the book of Romans end with a song of praise. In this doxology, Paul reminds readers ...

    Dan Schillero
  • 03/29/24

    Two Men, Two Trees

    How can two men represent the whole of human history? In Romans 5, Paul explains that through the disobedience of ...

    Dan Schillero
  • 02/25/24

    The Mindset of Sanctification

    The believer’s battle for holiness is ultimately won or lost in the mind. Because sin corrupts every part of our ...

    Dan Schillero
  • 02/25/24

    The Meaning of Sanctification

    Sanctification is a vital part of salvation. In Romans 12, Paul spoke of our worship and sacrifice to God, comparing ...

    Dan Schillero
  • 10/19/23

    The Privilege and Responsibility of Evangelism

    Dan Schillero
  • 08/06/23

    Can You Sing?

    Before the beginning of time, God established a plan of redemption to save sinners. God, as both author and agent ...

    Dan Schillero
  • 08/06/23

    He Has Provided

    There will always be things in life that we do not and cannot understand, but we do know that nothing ...

    Dan Schillero
  • 04/23/23

    The Joys of Justification

    In Romans 5, Paul reminds believers that because our sins were fully paid for through the death and resurrection of ...

    Dan Schillero
  • 04/23/23

    The Necessity of Sanctification

    In the opening verses of Romans 6, Paul declares that those who belong to Christ are no longer slaves to ...

    Dan Schillero