Monthly Prayer Calendar
Prayer Calendar
"Pray also for us..."
So states the apostle Paul in a letter to believers in Colosse, acknowledging a somewhat stunning reality: though the Christians to whom he was writing were separated from him physically, they could nonetheless participate in his ministry! God’s people could join in God’s work of taking the Gospel to those who hadn’t heard it simply by praying for their missionary pastor.
These realities are no less true today. As a church, Parkside has been blessed with the opportunity to support many missionaries scattered around the world, all of whom are seeking to share the Good News of Jesus with people who have yet to hear and believe it. Can we really help them, being thousands of miles and numerous time zones away? According to Paul, yes! The purpose of this missionary prayer calendar is to inform you of what is going on in certain parts of the world, and invite you to participate in the work through prayer.
The format is simple. Each day, you will find a missionary or organization that Parkside supports, along with one of their specific prayer requests. You’ll also find a different country of the world and how you can best be praying for the people there.
Our hope in arranging this is that you’ll know the privilege of participating in the work of the Gospel, which as Paul also tells the Colossians, is bearing fruit and growing throughout the whole world. We trust that praying for the nations will increase our heart for the world, causing us to increasingly desire and work towards seeing unbelieving people of all nations become committed followers of Christ!
Last Seven Days [ View Full Month ]
- Supported Worker: Mark & Patti Bean
- Countries: Peru, United States of America
- Details: This week, Patti hopes to catch a flight to Australia to help their daughter Emily's family. Emily continues to recover from multiple fractures of her spine. In addition to praying for Emily's continued recovery, pray for Patti to have extra energy, strength, patience, and love as she cares for two preschoolers, a baby, the home, and meals. The third week of September, Mark’s regular checking work will be set aside as he participates in an online training for new translation consultants from Latin American countries. Pray for the training. Portugal (Europe). Population: 10,223,349 Believers: 3.0 ... more >
- Supported Worker: The City Mission
- Country: United States of America
- Details: Pray for the 13th Annual Running with a Mission event on September 7. Pray that they will meet their goal of raising $150,000 to help men, women, and children in crisis through the transforming power of God’s love. They are excited that a New Horizons mother now has the title to her own home. Also, thanks to generous donations from so many, children in grades K-12 received backpacks and the school supplies they needed at the Back to School Bash. Pray for a successful school year for the children they serve at Laura’s Home. Pray for volunteers to help ... more >
- Supported Worker: Chris and Leanne Harrington
- Country: Japan
- Details: Chris & Leanne Harrington, Japan Chris and Leanne count it a blessing to be back in northeast Ohio and to see and reconnect with their Parkside Church family. Join them in thanking and praising the Lord for the opportunity to gather with brothers and sisters in Christ at Parkside, open God's Word, and worship. Please continue to pray for their kids as they settle into new surroundings in school and in the community. Philippines (Asia). Population: 119,106,224 Believers: 12.3%. Metro Manila is a mega-city of 13 million people, with the Greater Manila area up to 26 ... more >
- Supported Workers: Goran (& Beth) Tomic, Matt (& Laura) Pheneger, Jon (& Ruthie)
- Country: United States of America
- Details: Pray for the training of 30 coaches/leaders from 10 Anglican church primary schools in Rwanda the first week of September. Pray for God's guidance as Ambassadors Football ministry explores the possibility of partnering with Kep and Deb James (ESI) in Nepal to train pastors. Pray for Ambassadors clubs around the globe and for their club here in NE Ohio, with its 22 teams and more than 530 players. They are initiating a new Bible time curriculum and have a number for new coaches and staff coming on board to minister to the players. Pray for their leadership as ... more >
- Supported Worker: Parkside Heights Church
- Country: United States of America
- Details: Parkside Heights has returned to John Hay High School for Sunday services. Thank God for providing the Cleveland Institute of Music (CIM) for them to use for services during the summer months and for continuing to provide for them at John Hay. There will be a cookout after church on September 8 to welcome college students. Continue to pray for wisdom as they minister to students from Case, CIM, CIA, and John Carroll. As their community groups and youth group start back up, pray both for those returning and for those attending for the first time. Paraguay (Latin America). Population ... more >
- Supported Worker: E & J in North Africa
- Details: E & J are thankful for our prayers for their travel back to North Africa. They made it ‘safe and sound,’ as did all their luggage, and are adjusting to a new time zone and surroundings. As they reconnect with friends and neighbors, please pray that God would give them favor. Pray that those around them would welcome relationships with them and that they would seriously consider the truth as they talk with them. Papua New Guinea (Pacific). Population: 10,515,788 Believers: 25.7%. Translation and literacy programs and appropriate Christian literature are fundamental for acculturating the gospel ... more >
- Supported Worker: Kep & Debbie James in Africa, Latin America, & the United States
- Details: Kep & Debbie James, Africa, Latin America, United States On September 1-2, Kep and Debbie will be training church planting leaders with our ministry partners in Cairo, Egypt, followed by an ESI training with Elias in Lisbon, Portugal on September 4-7. Elias will then join Pastor Marcel in Paris, France, to train ESI facilitators on September 20-21. Pray for God’s purposes to be fulfilled in the lives of all involved. Panama (Latin America). Population: 4,527,961 Believers: 19.3%. Proximity to Colombia and the prevalence of offshore finance in Panama mean that drug cartels and other undesirables have a ... more >