Mark and Patti serve with Wycliffe Bible Translators, working among Quechua speakers in the Andes mountains of central Peru.
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Mark & Patti November 2024 Prayer Requests
* There may soon be funding to start an Old Testament translation project for four additional Quechuan languages. Pray for Mark as he sets up computer paths with dictionaries and rules to adapt from the published Old Testament to the languages in this new project. This is a lot of work! His colleagues in Peru, who will be administering the project, would like him to have some materials ready for their first workshop, which may happen this month.
* Praise God for his mercies, especially in relation to their daughter’s improving health situation. Patti was able to spend five weeks with Emily and her family babysitting and doing the myriad chores that keep a home running. While Emily still can’t lift baby Addie, she is able to move about and do much more than before. With the intermittent help of church friends, she and Blake trust that they will be able to continue forward.
Thank you for your continued prayers!
Mark & Patti -
Mark & Patti October 2024 Prayer Requests
* Mark will be checking the books of 1 & 2 Timothy and Philemon for the Sihuas Quechua team. These are their last three books to complete for the New Testament. He will also be working on the book of Joshua for the Panao Quechua team.
* Patti hopes to be back in Ohio sometime after the middle of the month. She’s helping daughter Emily and family in Australia. Pray that friends from church will continue to support the family when Patti leaves.
Mark & Patti September-October 2024 Beans'talk
Download a printable version of the September-October 2024 Beans'Talk with photos: Microsoft Word - Beans'talk 09-10 2024 .docx (parksidechurch.com)
Mission accomplished
Thanks for praying! Our trip to Peru last month went well. Diana and Eliset, two translation-consultants-in-training from Venezuela, got lots of practice as they checked the books of Numbers, Deuteronomy and Ruth. Mark oversaw the checking process and all our goals were met.
The church matures
Both Sundays in Peru Mark spoke at Spanish missions conferences in the city; one for a group of churches on one side of the river and the other for a similar group on the other side of the river. We were so impressed with the excitement about missions, the preparation put into skits and the presentations about needs in the world.
From Peru to the world
Most striking each Sunday was the emphasis on other nations needing the gospel, particularly the need for God’s word in the language that people speak. People beamed with pride when a video clip was shown from a young couple that their denomination supports in Indonesia. The wife is from the “state” of Huanuco!
All those shown below are taking classes about missions. Most won’t ever travel far, but they want to be prepared to reach out to others and join the task. There is still a lot of need to teach the Bible out in Quechua speaking areas.
Already traveling again
After 7 weeks in the hospital and rehab with a broken back, our daughter Emily made it home to her family. While she is pleased with the progress she’s making, she’s limited in what she can do to care for her family.
The other grandma has been on hand to help for a long time. Now, it’s my turn to help. I’m writing this before taking off for Australia, but I should be there by the time you read this. Depending on a number of circumstances, Mark may or may not be joining me after a few weeks. Thankfully his work is totally portable.
Praise and Prayer Requests
• Praise for the great translation progress while in Peru.
• Praise for Emily’s good attitude in the face of limitations.
• Praise that grandson Jeremiah, who missed over a year of school due to leukemia, just began attending school in person once a week.
• Little Adeline is in the blue hat in the photo above. Her August check showed slight deterioration in the function of her only kidney. More tests are scheduled for November.
• Continue to pray for Emily, Jeremiah and Adeline’s health.
• Pray for energy, health and patience as I help care for Emily and her family. Pray for wisdom about Mark joining me in Australia or not.
Thank you for your partnership with us. Our adventures continue and God faithfully sees us through each day.
Mark & Patti