The Bean Family


Mark and Patti serve with Wycliffe Bible Translators, working among Quechua speakers in the Andes mountains of central Peru.

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  • Mark & Patti July 2024 Prayer Requests

    * Pray that Mark and the Panao Quechua team (one that he consults for) finish up all the back and forth on the books of Deuteronomy, Numbers and Ruth this month in anticipation of Mark's trip down to Peru in August. As he notes places that are unclear or misleading, they return with a correction that may or may not need further tweaking. Thus, the "back and forth" nature of this stage of checking.


    * Pray for our daughter Emily who is in great pain in a hospital with a broken back. We praise God for the local church doing so much to help care for the family (two preschoolers and a baby.). Pray that we will trust God-being still before him and waiting patiently for him to act.

  • Mark & Patti May-June 2024 Beans'talk

    Download a printable copy of the May-June Beans'talk with photos.


    Rescheduled perfectly

    Remember how I (Patti) was too feverish to make an administrative trip in February while in Peru? Well, it was SO obvious that God is the one who rearranged the schedule. When I traveled back to Peru in April, so many things fell into place. People were present who wouldn’t have been in February and events were happening that wouldn’t have been had I tried to visit in February. Praise God for his perfect timing!



    I anticipated meeting with one or maybe two speakers of Huni Kuin (formerly Cashinahua) in a major jungle city. They are a remote language group that spills over into Brazil and are not easy to get to. Imagine my surprise when I arrived and discovered that we were eighteen people gathered together! Because of a conference that had just taken place, there were 11 Huni Kuin speakers and representatives from four other mission organizations. They told about bilingual education in their villages, their outreach to communities without the gospel, The Hope movie and accompanying Bible study they’re wrapping up and their desire to one day have the Old Testament.


    Language check-up

    In another part of Peru, I joined some colleagues for an interactive day with Yanesha-speaking pastors and leaders. My colleagues Ade and Rachel challenged leaders through a series of exercises to discover how they are using their New Testaments that they’ve had for 40 years and what factors need to be in place for any new translation (i.e., the Old Testament) to be well used. (You may not realize from these photos that we are meeting in the local church!)



  • Mark & Patti May 2024 Prayer Requests

    * Thank you for praying for Patti’s trip to Peru last month. It is obvious that the timing of this trip was orchestrated by God. No wonder I got sick in February! A conference had just taken place in a big jungle city that brought many church leaders together in one place. The language group that Patti met with had speakers from both sides of the border, Peru and Brazil. There were way more leaders from that language than she expected to find. Together we had a great conversation about their language, its use, their mission work among themselves and their desire to have all of God’s word available to them.


    * Thank you for praying Mark through the check of Numbers and 2 Corinthians for two different groups. Now, he is working on a consultant check of the book of Deuteronomy. As always, prayer for careful attention to detail is always needed!


    Mark & Patti Bean

The Bean Family

Mark and Patti Bean

Mark and Patti serve with Wycliffe Bible Translators, working among Quechua speakers in the Andes mountains of central Peru.