Frequently Asked Questions
What kind of church is Parkside?
Parkside Church is a Bible-teaching, non-denominational church.
Where is the church located?
We're located at 7100 Pettibone Road, Chagrin Falls (Bainbridge), OH 44023.
What are the Warehouse and the Loft?
The warehouse and the loft are spaces that Parkside maintains offsite for group events, such as youth meetings, coffee houses, and young family events. These buildings are located at 31200 Solon Road in Solon.
Can I begin Men's or Women's Bible study mid-stream or do I need to wait until the beginning of the next one?
You may begin anytime. The cost is $15 for books and materials.
Is there childcare for the Tuesday evening women’s Bible study?
Childcare is not available on Tuesday evening. However, there is childcare for newborns through age 4 during the Thursday morning women’s Bible study.
Do you have an Adoption Ministry?
Yes, we are in the developing stages of our Adoption Ministry. E-mail Linn (lnash@parksidechurch.com) at the church office for a contact to be included in mailings to keep current on the progress of this brand new ministry.
Do you have a program for special needs children?
Yes, we have a Sunday School class called Faithful Friends that meets at 9am in room A117 for older special needs adults. Our Faithful Friends teens class meets at 10:30am in Room A115, and our Faithful Friends, Jr. Class for younger children that meets in room A117. Contact Julie (jpelletier@parksidechurch.com) for more information.
How do I register my children and how old do they need to be to get enrolled for VBS?
You can register on-line or complete a registration card located at the children’s ministry table outside the Fellowship Hall. Children must be 4 years old before the beginning of VBS to participate. We have a mini VBS for workers children only.
Does Parkside Church offer premarital counseling?
Yes, a six month premarital counseling course is available for members or regular attenders (at least 6 months prior to applying for the course). All couples intending to be married at Parkside must complete the process.
Does Parkside offer marriage counseling?
Yes, we have a Marriage Ministry with trained members who will come along side and mentor couples seeking minor adjustments to make their marriage stronger. For serious marital challenges we have trained biblical counselors as well.
Do I have to utilize nursery and Sunday School for my children?
We encourage parents to take advantage of our trained childcare providers and bible teachers on Sundays, both for the children’s benefit and those adults in worship. Both will have teaching geared to their understanding level.
What safeguards do you have in place for my children’s welfare?
Every worker in children’s ministry goes through a thorough nationwide background screening. Every child is digitally checked in with a nametag before being dropped off in a class. Children birth-third grade are released only when the parent/guardian presents a “parent receipt” that matches the nametag number for the child.