Marriage Matters

Marriage Matters

Marriage Matters

Marriage Matters is open to anyone interested in refining and growing in their marriage relationship.  We seek to strengthen marriages through events and classes that focus on applying the biblical principles of marriage to real life.  The ministry sponsors a 6 week small group as well as periodic seminars and workshops.

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  • Oct

    Dave Harvey Marriage Workshop 2024

    “As marriages grow and age, what defining moments do they experience?” writes Dave Harvey in his book I Still Do. “What are the unique points of trouble and transformation that visit us as our marriages mature—as we navigate the realities of job and financial challenges, keep our heads above water in the kiddie years, raise teenagers or adult children, empty the nest, suffer, age, or prepare for final good-byes? What moments define a durable marriage?”


    Whether you are single, engaged, or married, we invite you to learn about durability in marriage on October 12, when author Dave Harvey joins us for a half-day Marriage Matters workshop.

    Harvey is returning to Parkside to explore the topics he’s covered in his most recent marriage book, I Still Do: Growing Closer and Stronger through Life’s Defining Moments. Discover the defining moments of marriage and how we can traverse those conflicts with grace and the love of Christ.


    Over the course of three sessions, Harvey will talk about starting together, sticking together, and ending together:

    1. My Brokenness Is Broader than Sin (9:00am-9:45am) | Understand that brokenness stems from other forces beyond sin (our bodies, upbringing, spiritual forces, etc.), and learn to relate to one another with grace.

    2. Sex (10:00am-10:45am) | Learn God’s good plan for sex in the context of marriage.

    3. Marriage and the Captivity of Closure (11:00am-12:00pm) | Explore what to do when our desire for resolution becomes a demand.


    This conference is a great opportunity to equip couples at all stages with the core principles that define a biblical marriage. And don’t count this workshop out if you’re single! Marriage is a picture of Christ’s love for the church, so everyone can draw nearer to God by learning about this unique relationship he designed.


    If you would like to join us in examining the defining moments of marriage, click the link below to register. Registration is $20 per couple or $10 per individual which includes beverages and a light continental breakfast. Scholarships are available by contacting Meghan in the church office (


    Please note that childcare will not be provided for this event.


  • Feb

    Gospel-Shaped Marriage Workshop 2023

    No matter your situation - single, married, engaged, dating, or simply looking to prayerfully support your married friends or family - we invite you to join us on February 11 (9:00amm-3:30pm), for a marriage workshop with Chad and Emily Van Dixhoon. Chad and Emily reside in Pennsylvania where he is professor of church history at Westminister Theological Seminary and she is an author, Bible study leader, and stay-at-home mom. They have five children. Together they have written a book called “Gospel-Shaped Marriage” that comes highly recommended by Alistair Begg as one of his favorite marriage books.  The conference will include a time led by Emily for the women and Chad for the men as well as time for a Q&A.  


    The cost is $40 per couple or $20 per individual and includes beverages, lunch and workshop materials.  Scholarships are available by contacting Linn at the church office (440) 543-1212.  Please note that childcare will not be provided.




  • Nov

    Marriage Matters Conference with Jonathan Holmes November 2019

    Join Pastor Jonathan Holmes as he helps us to understand the meaning and purpose of marraige, communication and forgiveness in marriage and how to handle conflicts that arise.  This event will be held in The Venue on November 9th from 9am to noon.  The conference is free however registration is required so that we have an accurate count for food and materials.  Please note that childcare is not being offered for this event.



Linn Nash