Parkside News

Parkside News

Recent Blogposts

  • An Update from Parkside Kent - Fall 2024

    The Theodore Roosevelt High School auditorium has hosted countless school plays, concerts, and ceremonies. Its red chairs, red curtain, and high ceiling could belong to any high school. On September 22, instruments and a podium sat on the stage as they had at concerts and pep rallies. But because of God’s wonderful power and provision, the very ordinary gathering that Sunday was unlike any other in recent years as Parkside Kent’s congregation came together for the first time.

    For Jon Cameron, lead pastor, this journey started as the Lord confirmed the calling to plant a church through the encouragement and wisdom of godly men and women. With each step—settling on a location south of Parkside, finding a group of core people committed to helping plant the church, and adding to the team, Jordan Aho, pastoral assistant, God began to reveal his plans to plant a church in Kent.



  • Parkside's Pastoral Residents Class of 2025

    Parkside's pastoral residency program is a greenhouse where experienced pastors disciple men exploring God’s call on their lives.

  • Parkside Kent - Ready to Launch!

    We rejoice with Parkside Kent as they plan to host their first service on Sunday, September 22, at 10:00am at Theodore Roosevelt High School, 1400 N Mantua Street, Kent, Ohio.

  • 2024-2025 Bible Studies

    We invite you to participate in our Bible Study this fall, Shadows of Jesus: How the Old Testament Points Forward to Christ. Together we'll be exploring how the individuals, offices, events, and institutions of the Old Testament point us toward the person and work of Jesus Christ. Throughout the year we'll study the various Old Testament types and shadows of Jesus that help us to better understand who he is and what he has done for us.



  • Events Update - August 2024

    Check here to see if your event is impacted due to the recent storm and power outages in our area.

  • Summer 2024 at Parkside

    Mark your calendars for these special dates! 

  • Serving with our Meals Ministry

    Three Avenues of Care Through Our Meals Ministry

    In any significant change of circumstances–welcoming a new baby, dealing with or recovering from an illness, or losing a loved one–the regular routines of life become disrupted. Parkside’s meal ministry seeks to provide practical care in these circumstances, offering extra support to families during new or difficult seasons of life. For volunteers, it provides a way to tangibly show others the love of Jesus and the care of the body of Christ.

  • Get to Know Charles and Jacob, Student Ministry Pastors

    Get to Know Charles Cano and Jacob Wirka, Parkside’s Student Ministry Pastors If you are a parent of a Parkside student, you will know that last fall we welcomed to our pastoral team two familiar faces, Charles Cano and Jacob Wirka. Last summer, Charles and Jacob completed the Parkside Pastoral Residency, and are now overseeing our student ministries: Charles with high school, and Jacob with middle school. Learn more about them here >

  • Get to Know our Pastoral Residents - Class of 2024

    If you attended at our most recent outdoor service, you will have been introduced to our three new pastoral residents: Isaac Shaw, Cameron Cronk, and Jordan Aho. Each year, we welcome a new class of residents who have the opportunity to practice biblical teaching in a variety of ministry settings, observe and assist in the leadership of adult and youth ministries, and participate in our pastoral staff meetings, general church functions, and more. You can get to know each of them a little further here, and as you see them around Parkside, please be sure to say hello!

  • Event

    The Miracle of Man Simulcast

    Location: The Commons at Parkside
    Start Time: Fri 29, Sept. 2023, 6 p.m.
    End Time: Fri 29, Sept. 2023, 9 p.m.

    Is mankind an error-prone accident of nature or a masterpiece of engineering, ingenuity, and intention? For those of us who believe in the marvelous design of mankind, how might we respond well to those who think we are nothing more than an accident? This year's Westminster Conference on Science and Faith explores the uniqueness of human beings in relation to God, to human society, and to physiology, biology, paleontology, and genetics. The content is designed to be accessible to a broad audience, believers and skeptics alike. Please join us at Parkside for this simulcast event! Friday, September 29, 2023  |  6pm - 9pm
