Parkside News
Posts filed under "Ministry Details"
Recent Blogposts
A Call to Belong
When a local family hosted a game night in Aurora last August, no one anticipated what would develop from the evening. Less than 24 hours after Anthony and Kayleigh Finelli received an unexpected diagnosis about their son, they attended the game night and shared the news. The response was overwhelming, with the group turning to prayer on behalf of the Finelli family. After that night, the group decided that they should study the Bible together and Joshua Wallace reached out to Dan Larison to become a Community Group leader.
For the Finellis, the Community Group has opened their eyes to what it means to belong to the church. “We have a large Christian family who live locally and we tend to lean on them for prayer, encouragement, and spiritual guidance. But the support we have received from this group has shown us that also being a part of the body of Christ is important. It feels like an extension of the family.” Read More > -
What's the latest with the Parkside Heights church plant?
While finding a physical location for Sunday morning service has proved more challenging than Dan Southam, lead pastor of the church plant, expected, God has already been drawing together a community of people through planning meetings and the start of Community Groups. Read more >
Bible Studies Begin September 20
Fall Bible Study for men and women will begin the week of September 20. Learn More >
Join a Group This Fall!
Groups are gearing up to begin meeting in September! Click here to find a place to connect >
An Update to Social Distancing Guidelines
On April 8, Governor DeWine signed an amended health order which clarified the social distancing guideline as it applies to religious organizations. As a result of this amended order, the elders at Parkside have updated the guidelines we have in place for social distancing. Learn More >
Serving One Another...Connecting Generations
Location: The Venue
Start Time: Sat 9, March 2019, noon
End Time: Sat 9, March 2019, 1 p.m.
Sallie and Bob Newcomb have attended every pancake breakfast since they began in 2011, but not because they have a particular love of pancakes.
Taking the Next Step in Lake County
Dear Friends, the time is upon us [in Lake County] to take the next step in our church.
Parkside Church Westside Launch
Location: Garfield Middle School (13114 Detroit Ave. Lakewood, OH 44017)
Start Time: Sun 27, Sept. 2015, 1 p.m.
End Time: Sun 27, Sept. 2015, 2:15 p.m.
It's official! The launch date for Parkside Church Westside Sunday services will be September 27 at 10:00am in Garfield Middle School (Lakewood). Visit our website at www.parksidechurchwestside.com for more information.
Westside Prayer Partner Guide
As we continue to prepare to church plant we are asking for 200 people to join us as prayer partners. There is a sense in which I am increasingly recognizing the "prayer is the work of ministry." Will you be one of the 200 who join with us in asking God to show us favor, equip us for ministry and see many come to saving faith in Jesus?
Building Into the Next Generation Update: Plans for the VFW Building
The unassuming, faded yellow building that once cared for Veterans of Foreign Wars has long sat as the quiet neighbor of our busy and bustling Parkside Church. Acquired by Parkside in 2009, the site of the old VFW building will find new purpose as the home of Truth For Life, Pastor Alistair Begg’s teaching ministry.