Community Groups

Community Groups

Community Groups

While we come to faith in Christ individually, God has designed the church so that we grow in faith together. Believers need one another for encouragement, edification, and to make each other more like Christ. This "one anothering" happens best when we share life together with other Christians, studying, praying, and spending time with one another. 

Our Community Groups exist to provide a context for this to happen. Our groups are organized by community and generally meet twice a month. People are welcome to join at any time. Each group is taught by a member of the church, and they are typically composed of 10-20 people. 

You can find the locations of our groups on this map.

If you have any general questions about our groups, you can contact us at the church office.

Recent Blog Posts More

  • Community Groups Summer Schedule

    Community Groups meet once each month for a social gathering during the summer.  It’s a great time to get to know a group if you're looking to join one.  Just click on the Community Group Finder Page link and click on the “Request Information” button associated with the group you want to attend and a leader from that group will let you know when and where they will be meeting.  We will resume our regular pattern of meeting twice a month to study the Bible, catch up, and pray for one another, in September. If you're having trouble finding a group please let us know by contacting

  • Community Groups Winter 2024

    Community Groups will resume meeting the first week of January to study the book of Colossians.  The start of a new year is an ideal time to join a group!


  • Sep

    Community Groups Fall 2023

    All Community Groups resume the week of September 6, but you can join at any time! We encourage you to find a group close to home and study the book of Colossians together!



Dan Larison