Community Groups
Recent Blogposts
Community Group Kick-Off
Location: The Commons
Start Time: Wed 11, Sept. 2024, 7 p.m.
End Time: Wed 11, Sept. 2024, 9 p.m.
Join us for our Community Group kickoff event! Whether you’re already in a group or are interested in joining, we will use this time to explain what to expect from community groups, pass out study materials, and give you the opportunity to connect and fellowship. Beverages and dessert will be provided.
Community Groups Summer Schedule
Community Groups meet once each month for a social gathering during the summer. It’s a great time to get to know a group if you're looking to join one. Just click on the Community Group Finder Page link and click on the “Request Information” button associated with the group you want to attend and a leader from that group will let you know when and where they will be meeting. We will resume our regular pattern of meeting twice a month to study the Bible, catch up, and pray for one another, in September. If you're having trouble finding a group please let us know by contacting mmcdevitt@parksidechurch.com.
Community Groups Winter 2024
Community Groups will resume meeting the first week of January to study the book of Colossians. The start of a new year is an ideal time to join a group!
Community Groups Fall 2023
Location: Local Homes
Start Time: Wed 6, Sept. 2023, 6 p.m.
End Time: Sun 20, Aug. 2023, 12:47 a.m.
All Community Groups resume the week of September 6, but you can join at any time! We encourage you to find a group close to home and study the book of Colossians together!
A Call to Belong
When a local family hosted a game night in Aurora last August, no one anticipated what would develop from the evening. Less than 24 hours after Anthony and Kayleigh Finelli received an unexpected diagnosis about their son, they attended the game night and shared the news. The response was overwhelming, with the group turning to prayer on behalf of the Finelli family. After that night, the group decided that they should study the Bible together and Joshua Wallace reached out to Dan Larison to become a Community Group leader.
For the Finellis, the Community Group has opened their eyes to what it means to belong to the church. “We have a large Christian family who live locally and we tend to lean on them for prayer, encouragement, and spiritual guidance. But the support we have received from this group has shown us that also being a part of the body of Christ is important. It feels like an extension of the family.” Read More > -
Community Groups Fall 2021
Location: Local Homes
Start Time: Mon 13, Sept. 2021, 6 p.m.
End Time: Thu 30, June 2022, 9 p.m.
Community Groups will begin meeting the week of September 13. Find a group close to home and study the book of Nehemiah together!
Summer Break
Community Groups are currently on summer break and will resume in September. Check back in August for more group information and to join one!
Community Groups Fall 2020
Start Time: Mon 14, Sept. 2020, 6:30 p.m.
End Time: Fri 21, May 2021, 6:30 p.m.
Community Groups will begin meeting after the summer break starting the week of September 14th and will be studying the book of Philippians. Our groups, led by one or more members, are typically composed of 10-20 people and are designed to be a smaller place for people to study the Bible, pray and develop meaningful relationships with others. The groups typically are organized by community and meet twice a month during the week.
Due to the unique circumstances of our present situation, the groups are meeting in a variety of formats including in-person, exclusively online, at the church or some combination. We encourage you to consider becoming a part of a community group this fall but you can also join at any time.
To find a group in your community and to get more information, please go to the Community Group finder at parksidechurch.com/communitygroups.
Groups are Meeting During COVID-19
While Community Groups are not meeting together in the typical format, our groups have continued to stay connected through virtual means. If you aren't currently in a group but would like to join, click here to request to be added to a group.
Midweek LIFE Groups Fall 2018 - Spring 2019
Location: Various Homes
Start Time: Fri 31, Aug. 2018, 4:16 p.m.
End Time: Fri 31, Aug. 2018, 4:17 p.m.
Midweek LIFE Groups will begin meeting again after the summer break starting the week of September 17th. The groups will be using a sermon-based format this fall, giving participants an opportunity to reflect on and apply biblical texts preached on Sundays.