Parkside News
Frequently Asked Questions
How is the consideration of a new building connected with our emphasis on relationships?
We have recognized that our current Auditorium facilities are inadequate for seating. Our plans are to move back to two services in the new Auditorium. Secondly, we will be able to recapture large areas of the current Auditorium and reconfigure the space into larger rooms, like we currently have in the Fellowship Hall. Additionally, the construction of multiple other classrooms will allow for far more life groups to meet on a Sunday and we are providing a dedicated space for our children.
What is thinking behind getting bigger instead of dispersing into smaller gatherings?
We have thought and continue to believe that remaining together as a larger gathering opens doors for us to make a bigger impact in areas of ministry and particularly missions.
What have been the trends in attendance over the last ten years?
In our short history we have generally experienced slow and steady growth. However, in the last ten years we have primarily leveled out. By God's grace we have continued to see many profess faith in Christ and be baptized. The church planting experts tell us that when a place is 80% full it greatly diminishes the likelihood of a person coming for the first time and staying around. We believe that the expansion of the location will help address some of these challenges.
Would you say these plans have been proactive or reactive?
We would say responsive. It has been 10 years that the Elders have been thinking and praying about what God would have for us. We have taken our time and aimed to follow God's lead as doors have been opened and closed for us but along with everything else we want to be sensitive to God's leading.
Why should we borrow any money to build the expansion?
Any borrowing relates to the timing of project expenditures versus the receipt of specifically earmarked project receipts, including faith promises and building fund transfers that will cover 100% of the projected costs. Expenditures will occur over the upcoming 2-3 year period, whereas faith promises will be received over the next 5 years and building fund transfers are received in equal annual amounts. Any mortgage would be repaid in no greater than a 10-year post-construction timeframe so the “next generation” will be debt-free.
Should I complete a Faith Promise even if I am not in a position to give at this time?
Even if you cannot give at this time, please submit a Faith Promise card as an indication of your prayer for the vision.
How does making this Faith Promise relate to my regular giving?
Your Faith Promise should be over and above your regular giving, which funds Parkside’s ongoing ministry.
Can you provide any guidelines to help me determine my Faith Promise amount?
Since the overall project goal is approximately two times Parkside’s annual budget, an individual may take two times their annual giving and then divide by the five-year Faith Promise period. This is one approach of calculating a targeted annual amount to consider giving over each of the five calendar years 2011-2015.
Over what time period will my Faith Promise be made?
Faith Promise giving will occur over a five-year period beginning the calendar year 2011 and ending 2015. Actual payments can be funded monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or annually and should be indicated on your Faith Promise card.
Do I have to give the same amount each year over the five-year Faith Promise period?
No, the amounts can vary from year-to-year. Some individuals may prefer to make a one-time Faith Promise gift.
Can I revise my Faith Promise in the future?
You may revise your Faith Promise in the future by contacting the church office and someone can handle any revisions or other status changes.
Will I receive bills or statements for my Faith Promise?
Since your Faith Promise is between you and the Lord, no billings or statements will be sent. You may specifically request status information directly by contacting the church office. After each year-end, a donor receipt for your Building into the Next Generation contributions can be accessed on our website at parksidechurch.com/give.
Can I make a Faith Promise in stock or assets rather than cash?
You can make gifts of stock or other assets which you should indicate on your Faith Promise.
What is the time line for construction?
If we were to begin building in the summer of 2011 the current projections anticipate a two year construction period.
Will we still be able to gather for services at the Bainbridge campus during construction?
Yes. We will complete the construction of the new Auditorium and children's facility before reconfiguring our presently used Auditorium.
How is the new facility being prepared for those with special needs?
We are looking to expand our current ministry to those with special needs, Faithful Friends and Faithful Friends Jr., by creating classroom space that is more customized their needs. There will also be dedicated seating in the Auditorium for those with physical limitations.
Has there been consideration given to using the children's facility during the week?
Yes, we are thinking about making rooms available to be signed out for individual use during the week. A mom could bring her young child, along with someone from her neighborhood, and sign out a room with fun toys . We current thinking does not see us utilizing the rooms for a formal preschool or elementary school.
What plans are being made to address parking?
We will have a net gain of 200 additional parking spots. Additional, plans are being consideration to provide more time between our morning services to relieve some of the traffic congestion. Due to the fact that Pettibone is only a two-lane road, we will always face challenges but this does not represent a closed door.
What are the next steps for the Green Campus?
We continue to seek God's guidance as we move forward. Our current understand would be in the next 3-5 years to have a Senior Pastor in place and financial independence.
Where might additional campuses be planted?
We are considering communities that have a strong grouping of people who are currently attending the Bainbridge campus. We are looking at the possibilities of Cleveland, University Circle or Lake County and are open to other opportunities that God may bring across our path.
If we build in Bainbridge and establish additional campuses do we have enough people to do both?
We don't anticipate this being a major obstacle. If a new campus is established we will encourage folks who live near it to begin attending. We recognize that some will and many will continue to make Bainbridge their home. God willing, additional campuses will grow through conversions and vibrant gospel relationships.
Will new campuses be video venues or church plants?
The unique factors of each future campus will be considered and the approach will differ. Our long range desire for each campus, whatever approach is utilized, is to have independent Bible teaching churches.
What is going on with the VFW property?
The Elders have made the VFW property available to Truth For Life for a future headquarters. Currently, TFL offices are in the second floor of the building campus. Plans for a separate building project are being considered under the responsibilities of the TFL leadership team.
Are we going to move the Warehouse and the Loft back onto the Bainbridge location?
At this point, no. However, we do anticipate at some point these facilities may be brought back to the Bainbridge location.
Are there plans for broadcast television in the new facility?
We do not anticipate broadcast television for our immediate future but we are addressing info-structure needs that would allow us to pursue that opportunity if our thinking changed. We are currently and will continue to capture video to prepare for the possibility.