Parkside News
Recent Blogposts
Meet the Interns: Tim, Kyle, and Levi
Earlier this month, Parkside Church welcomed our new class of pastoral interns for 2011: Tim Shaw, Levi Stuckey, and Kyle Higgins.
Workshop Opportunity: Building Relationships Through Small Groups
Location: Fellowship Hall
Start Time: Sat 17, Sept. 2011, 11:45 a.m.
End Time: Sat 17, Sept. 2011, 4 p.m.
Earlier this year, Parkside's leadership team set forth their vision for our church family for building into the next generation. Among the key areas of focus for this vision is the importance of relationships: being in a growing personal relationship with Jesus Christ; being built up in Christ through relationships with other believers; and, being active in promoting the gospel through relationships with unbelievers.