The Collins Family

The Collins Family

Wes and Nancy serve with Wycliffe Bible Translators in Guatemala, Peru, and the United States.

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  • Wes & Nancy July 2023 Prayer Request

    I (Nancy) was in the hospital again over the weekend for jaundice. Thank the Lord that it wasn’t cancer…at least all the tests ruled that out. They haven’t been able to find a definitive reason for the jaundice. Also, my mitral valve repair is performing well.


    We’d appreciate prayer for my liver enzymes and bilirubin to keep decreasing and return to normal. I have an appointment on the 20th (our 49th wedding anniversary) with my Primary Care doctor to check the bloodwork again.


    Also, for the Scriptures to continue being used by more and more villagers (in Guatemala), and for more and more Mam to come to faith. That Byron and his wife would stay strong in the faith as he teaches literacy classes and broadcasts a radio program among the Mam.


    Thank you.

    Nancy and Wes

  • Wes & Nancy June 2024 Prayer Request

    Please pray for Nancy, who is recovering from cardiac surgery at Duke this past week.

    Thank you to you and to Parkside for encouraging us.


    Blessings always,

    Wes, and for Nancy

  • Wes & Nancy May 2024 Prayer Requests

    * Please continue to pray for Byron and the LAMP ministry in Guatemala, that many would hear and respond to God’s Word.


    * Also, please pray for our (Wes’ and Nancy’s) ongoing health issues, especially my (Nancy’s) mitral valve surgery on May 9th, and that Wes’ Parkinson’s disease would stay stable. God has been very faithful and blessed us in so many ways even in the midst of these issues.


    Thank you,

    Wes & Nancy Collins

The Collins Family

Wes & Nancy

Wes and Nancy serve with Wycliffe Bible Translators in Guatemala, Peru, and the United States.

Contact Information
758 Parkside Townes Ct
Wake Forest, NC 27587