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A Life Changing Encounter
It was fire that drew Moses off the path on Mt. Horeb, but it was the word of God that ...
Mike Willmer -
Christ's Atoning Work
The Son of God was not crucified as a helpless victim. Jesus gave up his life as an obedient ...
Alistair Begg -
Preacher, Apostle, Teacher
Alistair Begg -
When Paul encouraged Timothy to join in his suffering for the gospel, he left no question about what the gospel ...
Alistair Begg -
Suffering for the Gospel
The Gospel of Jesus Christ can be difficult to talk about; its message is foreign to others - even offensive. In ...
Alistair Begg -
Necessary Reminders, Part One
When Paul commended Timothy for his "sincere faith," what did he mean? Beginning with this passage in 2 Timothy, Alistair ...
Alistair Begg -
Necessary Reminders, Part Two
As Paul reminded Timothy, believers must guard against the danger of complacency in ministry and in the Christian life. In ...
Alistair Begg -
The Lord
When the church in Corinth gathered together, their behavior was so self-indulgent that, according to the apostle Paul, it wasn ...
Dan Larison -
Your Warfare Has Ended
The opening verses of Isaiah 40 are familiar, as God tells His servant to comfort His people. But reading further ...
Mickey Aquilino -
Seeing, Caring, Thinking, Praying
It's easy for local congregations to become comfortable and allow our outreach to neighbors and friends to wane. ...
Alistair Begg