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Good Friday
Old Testament Jews offered sacrifices day after day to remind them of sin and to focus their attention on God ...
Alistair Begg -
Palm Sunday
Some people celebrate Palm Sunday out of a sense of obligation or nostalgia, while others view the occasion with skepticism ...
Alistair Begg -
Treachery and Majesty
When Judas betrayed the Lord Jesus, he revealed the unbelief that had been present in his heart all along. The ...
Alistair Begg -
Passing on the Truth, Part 1
Timothy's mentor and friend, the apostle Paul, was nearing the end of his ministry, and soon the Church would ...
Alistair Begg -
The Good Deposit
In his last letter to his protege, the Apostle Paul instructed Timothy to guard the "good deposit" of the Gospel ...
Alistair Begg -
Fence or Foundation
God's word speaks to every aspect of our lives, including our marriages, our rest, and our worship. In ...
Scott Kennedy -
The Suffering Servant
Among the Old Testament Messianic prophecies, one of the most familiar is the Suffering Servant of Isaiah 52-53. This study ...
Jonathan Holmes -
Follow the Pattern
In his final letter to Timothy, the Apostle Paul's concern is that the gospel of Jesus Christ will be ...
Alistair Begg -
Hidden in the Rock
When God revealed Himself to Moses, God promised that His presence would go with His people despite their sin. ...
Jon Cameron -
The Believer's Battle: Spirit vs. Flesh
Why do we do what we do? Why is it sometimes such a struggle to do the right thing? This ...
Dan Southam