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The Cross Shaped Life
What shapes the way we live? As followers of Christ, our lives should be shaped first and foremost by the ...
Nick Spurgeon -
Hearing Ears or Hardened Hearts?
As the Word is preached, it will fall either on hearing ears or hardened hearts. In this study of the ...
Nick Spurgeon -
Sins Forgiven
In his Gospel, Mark recorded that as Jesus began preaching, wonders and signs accompanied His ministry. Hearing of these miracles ...
Nick Spurgeon -
How Long O Lord?
Depression and despair often mark human experience, and Psalm 13 describes King David’s own struggle with overwhelming sorrow. When despair ...
Nick Spurgeon -
Served and Serving
In John 13 , Christ has come to the end of His itinerant mission, and, up against the hour of His ...
Nick Spurgeon -
Passionately Pursue Christ
What happens to a man that makes him go from "persecutor of the church" to "preacher of the Gospel?" The ...
Nick Spurgeon