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  • 05/07/23

    The Cost of Following Jesus

    In Matthew 16, Jesus asks his disciples the most important question in a believer’s life: “Who do you say that ...

    Afshin Ziafat
  • 04/30/23

    Do Not Forget the One Who Set You Free

    In the second half of Deuteronomy 6, Moses warns against the pitfalls that deter believers from living the life God ...

    Mac Matthews
  • 04/30/23

    I Was Made to Love Him

    In Deuteronomy 6, Moses gives the Israelites the greatest commandment: “You shall love the Lord your God with all your ...

    Mac Matthews
  • 04/23/23

    The Joys of Justification

    In Romans 5, Paul reminds believers that because our sins were fully paid for through the death and resurrection of ...

    Dan Schillero
  • 04/23/23

    The Necessity of Sanctification

    In the opening verses of Romans 6, Paul declares that those who belong to Christ are no longer slaves to ...

    Dan Schillero
  • 04/16/23

    Jonah's Heart, God's Heart

    The story of Jonah contrasts God’s heart, full of grace and mercy, with Jonah’s heart, proud and uncompassionate. Like Jonah ...

    Jon Cameron
  • 04/09/23

    Christ is Risen

    After Christ’s crucifixion, His disciples hid in fear, disappointment, and confusion—until Jesus appeared speaking peace, establishing their purpose, and promising ...

    Alistair Begg
  • 04/07/23

    Jesus Betrayed and Arrested

    On the night of His betrayal, Jesus entered the field of conflict with the Evil One in a familiar setting ...

    Alistair Begg
  • 04/02/23

    Who Are "These People?"

    Ever since the church began, false prophets have infiltrated congregations, leading others astray by denying Christ’s power and abusing God’s ...

    Alistair Begg
  • 04/02/23

    Jesus Weeps Over Jerusalem

    The Bible is clear: if anyone rejects Christ’s invitation for salvation, destruction is their end. This was powerfully demonstrated when ...

    Alistair Begg