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I Am Praying for Them
If Jesus offered to pray on your behalf, what would you ask Him to pray for? In His High Priestly ...
Alistair Begg -
They Have Kept Your Word
Just hours from the agony of Calvary, Jesus prayed to His Father in front of His disciples. In this message ...
Alistair Begg -
Before the World Existed
In His High Priestly Prayer, recorded in John 17, Jesus prayed for Himself and all His followers—including believers today. Alistair ...
Alistair Begg -
"The Hour Has Come"
When “the hour had come” for the fulfillment of Jesus’ earthly ministry, He turned to God the Father in prayer ...
Alistair Begg -
Rest for Your Souls
A “Live for today!” attitude is widely embraced by our contemporary culture—and it leads to endless restlessness. In sharp ...Alistair Begg -
Learn From Me
By nature, men and women act self-reliant, often burdened by the futility of trying to make sense of their existence ...
Alistair Begg -
The Lamb of God
Why are we, as saved sinners, given the privilege of feasting at the Communion table before a holy God? Because ...
Alistair Begg -
The Love of God Revealed in the Sending of the King
God has provided all that is required for salvation, but the world remains in open opposition and rebellion against his ...
Mickey Aquilino -
Two Sides of One Coin
The children of God share both in the suffering of Christ, as well as his glory. In Romans 8, Paul ...
Samuel Sanya -
Safety, Security and Salvation
Psalm 91 portrays a king who is protected from all harm. Because it is Jesus, and not an earthly king ...
Dan Schillero