The Harrington Family

The Harrington Family


Chris & Leanne December 2021 Prayer Requests

Dear Parkside family,

Thank you always for faithfully praying for us and those God has given us to serve.

This month we ask that you join us in fervently lifting up our friend’s son. This special little boy has a genetic blood disorder that requires him to have a blood transplant before age five. He finished the chemotherapy and received the transplant in the middle of November. He will need to be in isolation for about a month, remain in the hospital for about 4 months, and then stay quarantined at home for a year. Please pray for God’s healing and care for this little boy (4years old); that his body would accept the healthy blood and begin producing this healthy blood quickly. Please pray for his 7 year old brother who cannot be with his mom and brother for this extended amount of time. Please pray for God to give strength to our friend as she cares for her younger son and is away from her older son. Please also pray specifically that God would get the glory in their eyes and the Lord would to draw this family to himself. Last year around this time, God answered our prayers to help older brother speak. We pray God shows them his power and love at this time too.

We also ask for prayer for wisdom in how to care for the many kids who have stopped attending school and are shutting themselves in from society. We are seeing this more and more, even amongst our close friends and in our church. Japanese parents cannot force their children to attend school because of the history of severe bullying. Our church is praying how to minister to these kids and their concerned parents.

Please also pray for the many opportunities the Christmas season brings to talk about Christ. May we, our teammates and our Japanese Christian brothers and sisters be bold in sharing the reason for celebrating this season.

Chris & Leanne