The Ross Family

The Ross Family


Mike & Joan August 2022 Prayer Requests

* Praise God that Juan Rivera (Edgar Rivera’s son) will graduate from the School of Mission Aviation Technology in Michigan August 22nd as an FAA certified aircraft mechanic. His student visa requires that he leaves the US by August 25th. Please pray that he will be able to finish well.

* Pray that the installation of an engine on one of our Mexico airplanes here in Ohio will soon be completed.

* Pray for more pilots needed to serve with MAF around the world. Pray specifically for a pilot to help Amos in Oaxaca.

* Pray for Juan Carlos and Gregorio as they do pilot training to prepare them to fly with MAF.

* Pray for Pastor Pedro as he continues to share the gospel in Mamey with those touched by the ministry of the January Parkside dental team.