The James Family

The James Family


Kep & Debbie Africa Ministry Update

Last week Debbie and I were with 80 students at a church planting ministry in Cairo, taking them through 1 Corinthians 1 and 2 -- a wonderful time looking at our need to rely on God's resource (the Scripture) to stay true to His plan for the church (2 Timothy 1:13-14). Many said how much the time together helped and encouraged them.

The week before that in Accra, Ghana with 80 pastors leading a 4-day ESI training retreat. Many of them finished, deciding to start ESI in their areas in the next few weeks.

This week we were in Zambia visiting the 15 groups that started 2 months ago. Paulo and Vania went with Ruth to visit the groups in Kasempa. Debbie and I went with Payne Mano to visit the groups in Ndola and Chingola. We are very encouraged at the depth of insight in their study of Romans, overall -- and their enthusiasm to continue. Many spoke of how God is transforming important areas of their life as they study the Bible and remain focused on Jesus and His gospel.

 Tomorrow early we leave for Livingstone to visit the ESI groups there, and then a day to plan and pray about the best way to encourage the churches here in Zambia.

 On Monday Debbie, Paulo, Vania and I leave for Rwanda. We will meet with over 100 key pastors in Kigali to take them through 4 days in Romans and an orientation to ESI. Please pray for each participant in the ESI training retreat, that they will have a real encounter with Jesus in the Scripture.

After that 4 day retreat, we will work with Daniel Hanna working with 30 Bible students for 2 weeks through the book of Romans, as they prepare to leave for 2 years in teams to plant churches in Muslim communities.

We value your prayer! When you pray, you are here with us!!

Kep and Debbie