The Bean Family

The Bean Family


The Beans'talk July/August 2021

Download The Beans'talk July/August 2021

Those unscheduled surprises!

It happens to all of us. We make our plans, and then God surprises us with unscheduled events and circumstances. Some are wonderful, and others not so much. Here are some surprises on both ends of the spectrum.

A recording surprise

For a variety of reasons, none of the men have been able to stay in the capital city to finish recording the Old Testament for Huamalies- Dos de Mayo Quechua. That was an unplanned surprise for those who are responsible for getting it done. So, a technician will travel up to Huanuco where Wilmer and Walter live, and the two of them will finish reading all the remaining text.

Shingles surprise

Even though he had been vaccinated, Mark broke out with a doozy of a case of shingles—probably due to his lymphoma. Big blisters popped out down the back of his leg and backside. We still haven’t sat down to a meal together in weeks—he can’t sit down! At last, most of his sores are drying up.

Something to distract him

Hurray for work that helps distract Mark from his shingles. He was able to finish the translation check of the book of Job with the Panao team. He has a couple weeks set aside now to “sit in” with them (virtually) while they do comprehension checking. Meanwhile, he’s begun checking the book of Exodus for them. Having a goal of 42 verses a day keeps him very focused. He’s had a variable-height desk for years. Now, he remains standing to work all day long, every day.

A family surprise

Our middle son and family discovered that the country they plan to work in has opened its borders after COVID-19 closures. The four of them leave this week. We’ve been tickled to host them and watch little ones while they sort and pack and say goodbyes.

Praise and Prayer Requests

Continue to pray for the Old Testament recording for Huamalies-Dos de Mayo Quechua.

Pray for the shingles to completely disappear with no residual nerve damage for Mark.

Pray for our son and his family as they settle in to a new culture and language.

Thanking God for his goodness through all of life’s surprises!

Mark & Patti Bean