The Bean Family

The Bean Family


The Beans'talk November/December 2021

Download Beans'talk November/December 2021 with photos

We look the same, right?

When our family was young we needed to get out new prayer cards regularly because our children grew so fast. It’s been nearly eight years since we’ve made a new prayer card. Maybe there’s a bit less hair and a few more wrinkles, but our hearts still desire to follow after God.

We’re happy to send you a 4x6 copy of what you see here, but we need your help. Since our Beans’Talks have been sent by email for so long, we’re not sure where each of you live these days! If you’d like to get a copy of this photo in your mailbox, please go to and let us know your snailmail address.

Shepherding sheep and… sickness?

For Quechua folks, shepherding their animals is a key part of their lives. They take their sheep, donkeys, pigs, and other animals out every day to eat whatever grass they find on the mountainsides. So Mark got a chuckle as he was checking the translation of Proverbs 3:8 for Panao Quechua. In our English Bibles, speaking about the one who acquires wisdom from God, it says, “Then you will have healing for your body and strength for your bones” (NLT).

The Quechua translation expresses it like this: “Living like that, you will not shepherd sickness and your bones will be light.” Who would have thought that the word shepherd could also be used to “shepherd sickness”? Languages do amazing things!

How to thank your hostess

Thanksgiving is nearly upon us, with Christmas and New Year’s close behind. There will be lots of special meals. Sometimes it seems like we need more ways to say “thank you”!

In many Quechua areas, when the hostess has served a great meal, a sure way to bring a smile to her face is to say, Mamita, wachakuq! Chunkita! It’s like a blessing, calling her one who gives birth to many children and may she have ten! It means “thanks”!

We don’t have ten children, but we do have ten grandchildren (and counting)! We are definitely blessed. You, and so many other people are among the blessings we are thankful for.

Praise and Prayer Requests

* Praise: A second recording of the Old Testament is completed, this time for Huaylas Quechua. Like the Huamalies Quechua recording, it is also being prepared for distribution.

* Praise: Mark finished adapting a whole set of Bible studies for yet another Quechua language, this time for Huallaga Quechua.

* Praise: for so many faithful friends. You continue to stick by us, encourage us, pray for us and supply our needs.

We thank God for YOU and his amazing goodness!

Mark and Patti Bean