The James Family


Kep is the International Director of Equipping Servants International (ESI)- a three-year, part-time training and discipleship program among pastors and leaders of different churches and denominations. Founded in 2002, there are currently ESI groups meeting in 21 countries in Africa, Latin America, South America, Europe, and the United States.

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  • Kep & Debbie July 2024 Update

    Download Kep & Debbie's July 2024 Update with photos.


    Thank you for praying for our Equipping Servants (ESI) Training in London last week. Attached is our report and PHOTOS of that Training. Also an update on the ESI work in Ethiopia, Eritrea and Somalia. And what the Mali and Senegal students we trained in April with Streams of Living Water Ministry are now doing.


    Kep and Debbie James

  • Kep & Debbie June 14, 2024 Update

    1. In a few days Debbie and I leave for London to lead an ESI Facilitator Training for 70 African pastors.



    Ever since we started ESI groups in English speaking Africa, church leaders there have requested that if we want to see the best traction for the gospel, we need to get the African pastors living and working in London on board with what we are doing – for influence, leadership and funding.


    Please pray for gospel impact in the life of each participant during our time with them June 25-July 2. In almost every place we go in Africa and Latin America, we find that pastors and church leaders have drifted away from the Bible and the gospel core – leaving the church without a Christ-honoring purpose and direction, without gospel transformation, and without 2 Timothy 1:13,14 impact. Pray that the Lord will use our time together to encourage each one to make a commitment to study the Bible (John 8:31,32), to understand the Bible, to live the Bible, so they can preach and teach the Bible in their local churches – so that Christ will be honored.


    2. Pray for the 10 ESI groups that have started recently in South Africa and in Brazil, that the Lord will help pastors and church leaders grow in gospel transformation.


    3. Pray for the Streams of Living Water students we have trained in Senegal and Mali as they head out in July to start planting churches in small teams in very difficult villages where they face great resistance to the gospel.


    Kep James

  • Kep & Debbie June 2024 Update

    Just a short note thanking you for praying for ESI (Equipping Servants International is a 3-year mutual-discipleship process) as it continues to expand and deepen through Latin America and Africa. Please pray for Elias, giving oversight to 20 groups in nearly every major city in Brazil. Many participants in these groups have expressed sincere thanks to God for growth they are seeing in their personal lives as they study Romans together with Biblical friends. Also pray for many groups meeting to study the Bible in Africa (West, East and South).


    Pray for our next ESI Facilitator Training June 26-29 – this time in London -- with 70 African. Many church leaders we work with in English speaking Africa have urged us to start ESI in London, which they believe is strategic to reach English speaking Africa. So we agreed to do this. Please pray for each participant as they prepare 6 studies in Romans to get ready for the Training. Pray that each will have a genuine encounter with Jesus as they do this, and that during the Training, God will lead each one to make a commitment to study the Bible as their life-priority (John 8:31,32)!


    Your prayer is SO important for us! When you pray, you go with us!

    Kep and Debbie

The James Family

Kep & Debbie

Kep is the International Director of Equipping Servants International (ESI)- a three-year, part-time training and discipleship program among pastors and leaders of different churches and denominations. Founded in 2002, there are currently ESI groups meeting in 21 countries in Africa, Latin America, South America, Europe, and the United States.