Parkside News
2014 Annual Meeting & Annual Report
We invite each member and attendee to join us for the upcoming Annual Meeting on Dec. 7, 2014, at 6pm during the evening worship service. This meeting is intended to fulfill a legal requirement as a non-profit organization in the state of Ohio and there will be a brief acknowledgment of the financial report. The 2013 Annual Report is available in our information racks or in PDF form here.
A Word from the Elders
With the passing of another year, we continue to have much to give thanks to God for here at Parkside. We again have seen our spiritual and physical needs met beyond our expectations. The proclamation of the gospel and the preaching of the word from the pulpit have remained a central focus for us. As can be seen from the attached financial summary, we have also again been blessed by God’s goodness. Through your faithful giving, we have met all of our budgeted needs for the year. We have also continued to meet our pledges for the Building Into the Next Generation facility expansion and renovation program. A financial report is available to you which provides all of the details should you care to review it.
As our building expansion and renovation program progresses, it is not hard to see a metaphor in all that is going on around us. Physical remodeling and expansion are necessary as they provide needed upgrades and room to grow, yet these needs pale in comparison to that represented by the human heart without Christ. We continue to be amazed and thankful as we see individual lives not only renovated but completely rebuilt through the saving power of the gospel. True church growth is best represented by the expansion of the company of believers both here and around the world that we continue to witness. It is these spiritual aspects of true church growth for which we are most thankful, and on which we must remain focused.
During the past year, we have continued to expand and strengthen our partnerships both locally and globally. Our regional locations in Green and Lake County have seen further growth as they expand their local ministry outreach. Our missions partners in India, Europe, and Central and South America continue to be strengthened by your prayers and support. Our Missionaries in Training (MIT) program is moving forward as the Harringtons and the Pucketts receive training and equipping for international ministry. The Basics Conference for pastors and the Pastoral Internship program prepare and encourage many men committed to gospel ministry and our partnership with Truth For Life expands the impact of our pulpit far beyond northeastern Ohio. We are thankful for your work and partnership in these and many more ministries throughout Parkside.
Please remain steadfast in your prayers for Parkside, especially for the pastors and elders, that we would remain committed to the gospel and continue to be marked by unity and love. Join us in praying that both now, and into the next generation, unbelieving people will continue to become committed followers of Jesus Christ.
Roger Jones