


Women's 2015 Fall Morning Bible Studies

Location: The Venue
Start Time: Thu 17, Sept. 2015, 12:30 p.m.
End Time: Thu 19, Nov. 2015, 2:30 p.m.

Refreshments are available at each study. You can register on-line or the first morning you attend study. Cost is $10 for the study and an additional $5 if you would like a notebook.

There is free childcare for children from birth through age 5. We request that each attendee "take a turn" in the nursery each week to share the childcare duties so all can attend.

We also offer a home-school program for children who are taught the study at their age appropriate level. They meet in the lower level of the Children's Wing. All home schooled children are welcome as long as Mom is registered in the main study.
