Young Adults

About Transit
Transit is a ministry of Parkside Church for young adults, single or married, ages 18-35, that offers a smaller-scale, monthly, contemporary worship and learning event, in addition to organized opportunities for fellowship. We seek to present an enjoyable starting point to get involved with Parkside’s ministries and as you become an active part of our church family.
Our main event is a monthly, large-group meeting on Wednesday nights. These gatherings, typically attended by up to 60 of your new friends, run from 7:30pm to 9:30pm at a space we call The Loft (located at 31200 Solon Rd. Solon, OH. 44139). A time of worship music is followed by a relevant Scriptural message. Our program goes on for about an hour, with up to an extra hour dedicated to hanging out.
Connect with Transit
Email: transit@parksidechurch.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/parksidetransit
Instagram: @parksidetransit
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