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Bible Study02/25/19
Exodus 20-24 - The Book of the Covenant
Speaker: Mickey Aquilino -
Bible Study02/17/19
Exodus 20 - The Ten Commandments
Speaker: Mickey Aquilino -
Bible Study02/04/19
Exodus 19:1-20 The Israelites at Mt. Sinai
Speaker: Mickey Aquilino -
Bible Study01/28/19
Exodus 17:8-18:26 Moses and Jethro
Speaker: Erik Veker -
Bible Study01/21/19
Exodus 15:22-17 Provisions from God
Speaker: Mickey Aquilino -
Bible Study01/14/19
Exodus 13-15: Crossing the Red Sea
Speaker: Mickey Aquilino -
Bible Study11/13/18
Exodus 12: The Exodus - Tuesday
Exodus 12: The Exodus
Speaker: Mickey Aquilino -
Bible Study11/12/18
Exodus 12: The Exodus - Monday
Exodus 12: The Exodus
Speaker: Mickey Aquilino -
Bible Study11/05/18
Exodus 9-11: Plagues Part 2 - Monday
Exodus 9-11: Plagues 2
Speaker: Mickey Aquilino -
Bible Study10/29/18
Exodus 7-9: Plagues 1 - Monday
Exodus 7-9: Plagues 1
Speaker: Mickey Aquilino