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Bible Study09/30/19
Matthew 3 and 4
Speaker: Mickey Aquilino -
Bible Study09/24/19
Matthew 1 and 2 - Tuesday
Speaker:Format: -
Bible Study09/23/19
Matthew 1 and 2
Speaker: Mickey Aquilino -
Bible Study09/15/19
How to Study the Bible
Speaker: Mickey AquilinoFormat: -
Bible Study04/15/19
Exodus 39-40 In God's House
Speaker: Mickey AquilinoFormat: -
Bible Study04/07/19
Exodus 35-38 Building in Progress
Speaker: Mickey Aquilino -
Bible Study03/28/19
Exodus 34-35 Moses and the Lord
Speaker: Mickey Aquilino -
Bible Study03/17/19
Exodus 32-33 The Golden Calf
Speaker: Erik Veker -
Bible Study03/17/19
Exodus 28-31 The Priests
Speaker: Mickey Aquilino -
Bible Study03/03/19
Exodus 25-27 - The Sanctuary
Speaker: Mickey Aquilino