
Event Registrations

Registration is Closed

How People Change / Helping Others Change Winter 2016

Change in any situation is difficult, and yet God’s Word has so much to say about change. One of the reasons change can be so difficult is that life’s ups and downs cloud out our ability to see the goodness and mercy of God which comes to us expressly during those times. What if the ups and downs of life were actually graces from God to make us more like His Son?

Join us for two Saturday workshops, How People Change and Helping Others Change. Over the course of the two days, we will study the intricacies of the human heart and see the beauty of the gospel and occupation with Christ that transforms daily life in a real and tangible way. In-depth biblical discipleship is about relationships, with God and with others.

We highly encourage you to attend both days, even if you have attended one of the sessions in the past.


How People Change - February 20

8:00-9:00am Breakfast & Registration
9:00-9:45am Session 1: Foundations of Change
9:45-10:00am BREAK/Discussion 
10:00-10:45am Session 2: Foundations of Change
10:45-11:00am BREAK/Discussion
11:00-11:45am Session 3: HEAT
11:45-12:30pm Lunch
12:30-1:15pm Session 4: THORNS
1:15-1:30pm BREAK/Discussion
1:30-2:15pm Session 5: CROSS
2:15-2:30pm BREAK/Discussion
2:30-3:15pm Session 6: FRUIT

 Helping Others Change - February 27

8:00-9:00am Breakfast & Registration
9:00-9:45am Session 1: Caring Like Christ
9:45-10:00am BREAK/Discussion
10:00-10:45am Session 2: Caring Like Christ
10:45-11:00am BREAK/Discussion
11:00-11:45am Session 3: LOVE
11:45-12:30pm Lunch
12:30-1:15pm Session 4: KNOW
1:15-1:30pm BREAK/Discussion
1:30-2:15pm Session 5: SPEAK
2:15-2:30pm BREAK/Discussion
2:30-3:15pm Session 6: DO


Registration cost includes breakfast, snack, and lunch for both days, along with printed materials. Both workshops utilize the information found in “How People Change” and “Instruments in the Redeemer’s Hands“.  These books are highly recommended and can be purchased at Books by the Park for $11.99 and $9.99 respectively.

Alumni registration is for those who have attended both How People Change and Helping Others Change workshops in the past.

Limited scholarships are available. Please inquire by contacting Linn at lnash@parksidechurch.com or 440-708-2131.