Seeing, Caring, Thinking, Praying
It's easy for local congregations to become comfortable and allow our outreach to neighbors and friends to wane. But the pattern of our Lord is a passionate commitment to spread the good news of the kingdom of God. In this message from Matthew 9:36-38, Alistair Begg explains that taking our responsibility to share the gospel seriously means making Jesus' priorities our own by seeing those around us clearly, caring deeply, thinking properly, and praying fervently.
Recent Sermons
I am Praying for Them
If Jesus offered to pray on your behalf, what would you ask Him to pray for? In His High Priestly ...
Alistair Begg
They Have Kept My Word
Just hours from the agony of Calvary, Jesus prayed to His Father in front of His disciples. In this message ...
Alistair Begg
Before the World Existed
In His High Priestly Prayer, recorded in John 17, Jesus prayed for Himself and all His followers—including believers today. Alistair ...
Alistair Begg