Growing in Godliness
Because we have been called by God, we have been granted all things in Christ that pertain to life and godliness. Just as the apostle Peter encouraged the early church with his letters, he reminds all believers that the work of salvation is finished, and eternal life, secure. We should therefore respond to such provision by making every effort to grow our faith—not out of duty—but because we delight in the free gift of God’s grace. God’s love is assured to us through Christ’s finished work, so we can make every effort to grow in obedience and Christlikeness.
Topics: Christian Living, Obedience, Imputed Righteousness, Eternal Life
Recent Sermons
A Model for Shepherd Leadership
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The Power of the Cross
In his letter to the Corinthian church, Paul explains that the countercultural message of the cross is foolishness to those ...
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What is it that keeps people from knowing God? As created beings bearing the divine imprint, we are made for ...
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