God Has Spoken
Does the God of creation communicate with us? Brandon Smith explains that God spoke long ago through His law and the prophets; in these “last days,” however, He has revealed Himself ultimately and definitively in Christ. As the exact representation of God’s nature, Jesus reflects the Father’s glory. Christ came to offer Himself once as a ransom for sinners and will come again to reign victoriously over those who are in His family by grace.
Recent Sermons
A Model for Shepherd Leadership
During his missionary journey throughout Macedonia and Greece, Paul gives a charge to the elders of the Church in Ephesus ...
Dan Schillero
The Power of the Cross
In his letter to the Corinthian church, Paul explains that the countercultural message of the cross is foolishness to those ...
Dan Schillero
Who Knows?
What is it that keeps people from knowing God? As created beings bearing the divine imprint, we are made for ...
Alistair Begg