The Fatherhood of God
How do we understand the fatherhood of God? Alistair Begg poses four questions as he helps us consider what it means to be children of God. While every person is a product of God's handiwork, not all are members of His spiritual family. Those who know God as their Father receive a new identity and are freed from the sinful nature into which we were born.
Recent Sermons
A Model for Shepherd Leadership
During his missionary journey throughout Macedonia and Greece, Paul gives a charge to the elders of the Church in Ephesus ...
Dan Schillero
The Power of the Cross
In his letter to the Corinthian church, Paul explains that the countercultural message of the cross is foolishness to those ...
Dan Schillero
Who Knows?
What is it that keeps people from knowing God? As created beings bearing the divine imprint, we are made for ...
Alistair Begg