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From Sorrow to Joy Apr 28, 2024

Since Jesus’ disciples didn’t yet grasp the reality of His upcoming death and resurrection, they struggled to understand what He meant when He said, “A little while, and you will see me no longer; and again a little while, and you will see me.” In answer to their confusion, Jesus prepared them for His departure by comparing the cross to the agony and joy of childbirth. Alistair Begg walks us through Jesus’ declaration, illustration, and explanation, clarifying how, like the apostles, we, too, can be assured and rejoice.
Topics: Christian Thinking, Christ’s Resurrection, Death of Christ

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Our 9am service is also available by livestream and is viewable here for 24 hours. While we do not livestream our evening service, you can find many of our evening sermons through our sermon archives, listed by date.