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Book Recommendation: Magnificent Obsession: Why Jesus is Great

by David Robertson

(Book description from the publisher)

David Robertson, author of The Dawkins Letters, was told by the leader of an atheist society: "Okay, I admit that you have destroyed my atheism, but what do you believe?" His answer was "I believe in and because of Jesus." This book shows us why Jesus is the reason to believe. In response to the shout of "God is not Great" by the late Christopher Hitchens, David shows us why Jesus is God and is Great.

About the Author
David Robertson, author of The Dawkins Letters and Awakening, is pastor of St Peter's Free Church of Scotland. Robertson is a trustee of the Solas Centre for Public Christianity and works to fulfil the Centre's mission to engage culture with the message of Christ.

You can pick up your copy of Magnificent Obsession: Why Jesus is Great at Books by the Park. For more book recommendations to help you build your personal library, please visit our website.
