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Bible Study03/17/19
Exodus 32-33 The Golden Calf - Tuesday
Speaker: Gail Mace -
Bible Study03/10/19
Exodus 28-31 The Priests - Thursday
Speaker: -
Bible Study03/10/19
Exodus 28-31 The Priests - Tuesday
Speaker: Mickey Aquilino -
Bible Study02/27/19
Exodus 25-27 - The Sanctuary - Thursday
Speaker: Linda Fox -
Bible Study02/27/19
Exodus 25-27 - The Sanctuary - Tuesday
Speaker: Jennifer Krieger -
Bible Study02/19/19
Exodus 20-24 - The Book of the Covenant - Tuesday
“The Law is an expression of the Covenant and always secondary to it. Israel does not keep the law in ...
Speaker: Gail Mace -
Bible Study02/21/19
Exodus 20-24 - The Book of the Covenant - Thursday
Speaker: Marilyn Aquilino -
Bible Study02/19/19
Exodus 20 - The Ten Commandments - Tuesday
Speaker: Trisha Coyne -
Bible Study02/21/19
Exodus 20 - The Ten Commandments - Thursday
Speaker: Janie Johnson -
Bible Study02/07/19
Exodus 19:1-20 The Israelites at Mt. Sinai - Thursday
Speaker: Mickey Aquilino