The Ross Family

The Ross Family


Ross Family February 2017 Update

Dear Friends,

Thank you for your prayers, they truly make a difference.

For several years now we have requested prayer about access to a hangar here in Oaxaca for doing the maintenance on our airplanes. We recently had a very positive meeting that might open the door for getting permission to us the Mitla airstrip where we have a hangar. This door has been closed for many years now. Please continue to pray!

Praise that in January we had an 8 member dental team visit from Cleveland. They were joined by 8 Mexicans including two dentists and a medical doctor. Together they spent several days taking care of 180 patients in the small town of Tierra Colorada in Amoltepec. There are only a few Christians there and they are persecuted for their faith. Please pray that God would bring forth spiritual fruit from their visit.

Serving together with you,

Mike & Joan