The Harrington Family

The Harrington Family


Harrington Family Prayer Requests July 2016

* Praise the Lord for a successful first year of language school for Chris. We are all still a long way away from being able to speak at the level we would like, but the Lord is bringing us along.

* Pray for rest as we spend a week in the Tokyo area for the SEND Japan conference. May it be a great time reconnecting with teammates.

* Pray for us as parents as we continue trying to point out kids to Christ. May the Lord be drawing is closer to himself and may he through that draw our children to him as well.

* Continue to pray that the Lord would open doors for meaningful relationships with nonbelievers in each of the spheres the Lord has placed our family in. May God's love shine through our lives and may the Lord give us the gift of the Japanese language to be able to share him with others.