The Collins Family

The Collins Family


Collins Family August 2017 Prayer Requests

1. Pray for the (Guatemalan) Mam Old Testament project underway via a team of people in Guatemala and in the US. It is one of 8 projects taking place presently in Guatemala among speakers of languages that have had their New Testaments available to them for more than a generation. May they soon have the words of the prophets and the literary masterpieces of the wisdom literature. It’s a long and complex project.

2. CILTA students will start their second semester studies on August 14. Pray for them to get a good start and keep their faith and motivation high, and that they have a refreshing 3-week break between semesters. Many will be traveling. CILTA training takes place in Lima, Peru and is for Latino young people planning to do Bible translation in the Americas and around the world.