Supported Worker: The City Mission
Country: United States of America
Details: Pray that as the New Year begins God will enable the staff, volunteers, financial supporters to have unity as they work together, along with city officials and resources, to reach hearts and change lives in Cleveland and Northeast Ohio. Please pray for the ongoing programs of the Mission. For the Crossroads Men’s Crisis Center, pray for the new and upcoming interns to grow, learn and bring fresh ideas and new leadership. Also pray for the men as they enter in the Employment Search phase of their program. At Laura’s Home Women’s Crisis Center please pray for the women to desire to complete the program, to begin or continue to develop their relationship with Christ, and pray for wisdom and safety for the staff and the residents. Pray that the monthly mailings to more than 3,000 Ohio inmates will make an impact for evangelism and Christian discipleship. Pray that visits to prisoners under the Inmate Outreach Program will bring encouragement to those who are often forgotten. Pray for the women in the Central neighborhood to benefit from the Mother’s Club, and pray for the children at Laura’s Home to learn eternal truths in the Pathways programming. Lesotho. The mountain populations of 600,000 are among the poorest and most vulnerable. Nominally Christian, they have little contact with the life-giving gospel. Lesotho’s churches are beginning to wake up to this challenge. Many villages are only accessible on horseback, others by MAF plane. Pray for fruitful and sustainable ministry that yields thriving churches.