Supported Worker: Indigenous Church-Planting Training in Arab and Muslim Countries
Details: Pray for 22 current students receiving 9-months of Bible, ministry, & vocational skills training at a holistic training center before they serve in church planting among unreached people groups. The vocational skills’ training allows them to start a business for financial self-sufficiency after 18 months on the field. Their goal is to train 25 new indigenous workers each year to send to underserved fields. 72 full-time workers have already been sent out. Pray for the recruitment of more workers to be trained in three nations within the Arab world. Pray for the funding to complete construction of a new training center. The center will be used as a school to train full-time workers who will go to serve African children and families in unreached areas of North Africa. Once construction is completed, the plan is to begin training full-time workers in the spring of 2017. Kuwait. Kuwaiti Arabs are increasingly exposed to Christians via travel, business contacts and studying abroad. This is particularly so for students; Kuwaiti students abroad are being reached so effectively that many families are now sending their children to study in Egypt, UAE, etc. in order to protect them from Christian witness. Pray that Christians might take advantage of these opportunities and that it might fall on open hearts prepared by the Holy Spirit. Pray also for those Kuwaitis who hear and want to respond