December 1, 2023

The Parkside Insider: December 1, 2023
Are you getting ready for Christmas? And if so, what’s involved? Making preparations for food, presents, travel, and festive gatherings are expected and familiar.

The joy of family reunions combined with the sights and sounds that bring good cheer provide moments of reflection and wonder. Perhaps, like me, you have to admit just how easy it is to be distracted by what is good and even miss out on what is best. It is one thing to sing, “Let every heart prepare Him room,” while personally failing to make the necessary preparations.

This is where I am slightly envious of and simultaneously helped by my friends in the Anglican Church, who are guided by the Book of Common Prayer and its collects for Advent. (Collects are short prayers within the Book of Common Prayer that comprise an invocation, petition, and conclusion.) 


Last Week's Sermon
Colossians 3:12-17

What does it mean to be “in Christ”? Paul addressed this question in his letter to the church in Colossae, reminding them of Jesus’ transformative work while urging them to cultivate a heart of thankfulness. In this Thanksgiving message, Alistair Begg underscores the direct correlation between a transformed heart and a life that is lived out under the Lord Jesus. For the believer, such a life is characterized by an identity grounded in Christ, a unity marked by his love, and activity done in his name.

Parkside Church desires to share the joy of Christmas with families in need, both in Cleveland through our partnership with Scranton Road Bible Church, and in our surrounding communities by partnering with local schools and organizations.

By purchasing essentials and Christmas gifts, our goal is to offer families hope during the holiday season: the hope that comes from generosity, and the hope that comes from Jesus.


Join the 241 people who have already committed to serve in Nursery Ministry for 2024! We only need 23 more people to fully staff our 12 nursery teams. If you do not have a regular place of service at Parkside Church, we invite you to consider Nursery Ministry. This is a great "entry place" to serve, where you can meet new people as you help us show the love of Jesus to little ones.

*Parents who utilize the nursery are asked to serve.  

Coming Up at Parkside
Missions Tables with Mike & Joan Ross
December  3
All Morning  |  Hallway outside the Venue
Stop by the tables on Sunday morning and greet missionaries, Mike and Joan Ross. You can also pick up updates from all our missionaries and ministry partners and copies of the December Prayer Calendar.
Children's Ministry Holiday Schedule
As the holiday season approaches, we encourage families with children ages birth to grade 5 to make note of our amended Children's Ministry schedule on Sundays.

Learn More >
Missions Prayer Time
5pm  |  A205
Support our missionaries by praying regularly for them. Each week we focus on a different missionary family or ministry partner.

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Embracing Family Gathering
December 2
4pm  | The Loft
Join us for a time of support, encouragement, and fun! City BBQ and beverages will be provided. Please bring a salad, side dish, or dessert to share. 

Learn More & Register >
Play Groups
December 5
10:30am-Noon  |  Children's Wing Main Level
Play Groups provides playtime fun for children (birth to age 5), as well as fellowship for moms, dads, grandparents, or caregivers. Registration is not required. 

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December 6
7:30pm  |  The Loft
If you are between the ages 18-35 and are looking for a place to get connected at Parkside, we invite you to attend our weekly gatherings. Save the date (December 13) for our annual Transit Christmas Party.

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Cancer Support Group & Christmas Lunch
December 10
11:45am  |  B013 & Online (Lunch in the Venue)
If your life or that of a loved one has been touched by cancer, join us for a time of encouragement and prayer. To join online, email Jim for an invitation. The annual Christmas party will follow in the Venue. 

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Preschool Story Time
December 12
10:30am-11:30am  |  Children's Wing Main Level
All children between the ages of 2.5 and 5 are invited for a story, music, crafts, and games. Advance registration is required. 

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Families Facing Addiction
December 17
11:45am  |  A226
Our support group meets one Sunday each month and helps those who have loved ones struggling with substance abuse. Lunch is provided. 

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Widows Christmas Lunch
December 17
Noon  |  The Venue
All widows are invited to a festive lunch as we celebrate the Christmas season together with a time of delicious food, special music, fun, and a message of hope.

Learn More & Register >
Christmas Eve Services
December 24
4pm  |  6pm  |  8pm
We invite you to join us for Christmas Eve at any of our three evening service times. Please note that there will be no morning services and no nursery or children's classes on this Sunday
Invite a friend to join you for a fun and festive musical celebration of Christmas!
  • Friday, Dec. 8  |  7pm
  • Saturday, Dec. 9  |  3pm
  • Saturday, Dec. 9  |  7pm
  • Sunday, Dec. 10  |  7pm**
**Sunday's concert  is in place of our regular evening service and will also be livestreamed at 7pm ET on Parkside Church's website, YouTube channel, and Facebook.