Preschool Story Time

Preschool Story Time


Preschool Story Time May 3

Location: Children's Wing, first floor
Start Time: Tue 3, May 2016, 2 p.m.
End Time: Tue 3, May 2016, 3 p.m.

Our next Preschool Story Time is on May 3 from 11am-noon. This is a special date (not our usual 2nd Tuesday of the month). We meet in the first floor of the children's wing, and all preschoolers ages 2-1/2 to five years old are invited to join us for reading, games, music, and crafts.

All of our activities are focused on a specific letter of the alphabet, and May's letter is M. M is for May (and lots of other things)! We look forward to seeing many of our preschool friends on May 3. Summer is rapidly approaching, and May 3rd is our last Preschool Story Time for this school year. So, don't miss it & don't forget to tell your friends about this special date! 

If your schedule allows, pack a lunch and extend the Story Time fun with friends.