Middle School Students

Middle School Students


Parents Dessert and Discussion Night - Spring 2015

Location: The Loft (31200 Solon Road, Solon 44139)
Start Time: Tue 10, March 2015, 10 p.m.
End Time: Wed 11, March 2015, midnight

Hello Parkside Middle School parents and guardians,

This is an official invitation to attend Parents Dessert and Discussion Night-Spring 2015 on March 10th at the Loft!

Who: This is a meeting held by Pastor Brandon Smith and the Adult Ministry Team offered for all parents and guardians of middle school students involved with Parkside Middle School Ministry to attend.

What: A night to eat delicious desserts, drink refreshingly hot coffee, and dialogue with one another as we simultaneously escape the frozen tundra of Cleveland. This meeting will involve a presentation from Brandon, a time to meet and talk with Adult Ministry Team members, time to fellowship with other parents, and also to ask any questions you have about youth ministry at Parkside. At the very least, this meeting will involve an opportunity to eat cheesecake.

When: Tuesday, March 10th at 7:00 PM.

Where: At the Loft located directly next door to the Warehouse (31200 Solon Road, Solon, OH 44139)

How: RSVP online

Why: There is a great emphasis in the Bible about the responsibility of the family to disciple children. A helpful passage to see this emphasis is Psalm 78:1-8. Here, God's Word tells His followers, "He (God) established a testimony in Jacob and appointed a law in Israel. Which he commanded our fathers to teach to their children, that the next generation might know them, the children yet unborn, and arise and tell them to their children, so that they should set their hope in God and not forget the works of God, but keep his commandments..." (vs. 5-6). We as Youth Leaders desire to help families as best we can to communicate about our youth group, and to further open the door to discussion about how we can help families carry out their responsibility stated in God's Word.

We exist as a youth ministry in order to come alongside the family as we work together under God, "To see unbelieving students become committed followers of Jesus Christ." By having this meeting, we would like to build relationships, discuss what we're doing as a youth ministry to carry out our mission, and hear from the family any and all concerns you have or struggles you face with middle school discipleship.

Please join us as we prayerfully think and discuss our shared mission, "To see unbeliving students become committed followers of Jesus Christ."

In Christ,
(Mt. 28:19)

Brandon Smith
