The Bean Family

The Bean Family


Beans'Talk December 2018

Download the December 2019 Beans'Talk with photos.

Looking back

Our road trip came to an end yesterday. How good to finally reconnect with partners in Wisconsin and Illinois. It had been too long!

While on the road I needed to look back through some old reports. In doing so, I found some early reactions to the Old Testament from the Quechua translators themselves. Here are two views of God—both true.

A God who judges

Wilmer commented early on that he had always wondered why God seemed so quick to judge people in the Old Testament. But while translating, he understood that God held people accountable for their choices and actions. Judgment was due to people’s own rebellion, not God’s whim.

His observation touches on a Quechua cultural presupposition that God surely wouldn’t judge an individual for his actions because, after all, the person is just living the way God made him. Wilmer realized more sharply that indeed God does hold people responsible.

A God who is faithful

Timoteo, on the other hand, had a different reaction. Timoteo mentioned that he was impressed with God’s faithfulness. He saw how through page after page of the Old Testament God is faithful to his people even though they were not always faithful to him. God didn’t give up on them.

Timoteo also noted that the way we know this is through God’s revelation in his Word. He is excited that as God’s Word gets out in Quechua, Quechua speakers also will have a greater understanding of God’s faithfulness.

We’re prayerful that next year the whole counsel of God will be available to Quechua speakers in the central Andes of Peru.

What’s the status with the Bibles?

The first three Bibles continue to work their way through the publication pipeline. We‘re waiting to hear that they’ve actually been sent to the printers. Becky has completed the post-layout editorial check for Bible #4 and is ready to start Bible #5. Thanks to many, many people the funds needed to publish these different Bibles are steadily coming in. A BIG THANKS to all who’ve given and to all who have passed on the news.


In spite of all the recent attention on publishing, we aren’t in this work just to produce Bibles. Our real desire is to see lives changed as people interact with God’s Word. We want the Word-Who-Took-On-Flesh to make a difference in people’s lives.

Already signs of Christmas are popping up all over. It’s easy to get swept away with the beautiful decorations, music and special food, but we want the Word-Who-Took-On-Flesh to show himself in our lives and the lives of others.

Praises and Prayer Requests

*Praise: for the warm welcomes, dear friends and miles of safe travel as God graciously provided, protected and encouraged on our nearly three-week road trip.

*Pray: for the process of getting these Quechua Bibles published. Pray, too, for patience for everyone waiting for them! Continue to pray for Becky as she works on the post-layout editorial check for the fifth Bible. Continue to pray for God to be glorified as he brings together the remaining funds needed to print the last Bibles.

Praise: Our middle son, wife and new grandson will be nearby for Christmas. They will be taking a month-long break half way through their cross-cultural training in anticipation of working overseas. We are looking forward to hearing from them in person and interacting with grandchild #6.

Meanwhile, all of you who pray for us, encourage us, and keep us going are definitely on our list of what we are thankful for. Thank you for so faithfully accompanying us along the way.

Mark & Patti Bean