Supported Worker: Delhi Bible Institute
Country: India
Details: DBI is prayerfully taking a step of faith in moving into Bhopal, the capital of Madhya Pradesh. To begin with, an apartment will be rented out. Ram Charan, who hails from Madhya Pradesh and had been working as an accountant in Jaipur Anugrah Ashram, has been chosen to go there to build partnerships with the local pastors and leaders. He will be involved in evangelism and has been encouraged to begin a Bible study in the nieghbourhood. Pray for provision from the Lord to open a training centre in Bhopal this year.  Pray for the 20 men supported by Parkside as they travel throughout Northern India preaching and teaching the gospel. Pray that God will protect them and provide many opportunities for David, Mani, Amar, Benjamin, Gabriel, Kalap, Suresh, Vinay, Desh, Ram, Anil, Dilip, Kamlesh, Rajendra, James, Shiv, Rajesh, Dinesh, Bhim and Sanjay to share Christ. Pray for God’s wisdom and guidance for Isaac Shaw and the rest of the DBI leadership team of Ramrajh, Namgyal, Abuan, Andrews, Punam, Basant, Samuel and Yogatah as they oversee the ministry. Greece (Europe). Evangelism and discipleship remain the real needs in reaching Greece. Short-term ministries spread the gospel to many, but to have a lasting impact, a longer-term presence is needed. Pray that national churches might develop in the areas of prayer, outreach and church planting.